Bethel Family,
Ministry team updates:
Missions→ Thank you to everyone that helped pack hygiene kits during God’s Work Our Hands
Sunday. Keep en eye out for a Wholly Kicks activity in the fall!
Fellowship→Thanks for supporting our Movie night on September 18 at 7pm.
Music and Worship → Special music in the form of chamber choirs have started, if interested in
joining, let us know! Worship will also be changing to 9:30am starting October 3!
Discipleship → Bible study is beginning a study of Acts. All are welcome. Intergenerational
Sunday School will be taking place every other week!
Stewardship→ we are continuing to look at ways to steward your donations in the best way
Our income for the month of August was $22,307.58 and our expenses were $26,786.83 leaving a net loss this month of $4,479.25. The total cost of fixing the sewer line outside was $20,000. Adding this expense onto our current loan, was not a quick option and we had to get the pipes fixed before there was more damage. We decided to pay for it outright. We have already paid $14,000 with another $6,000 to pay. This is why we are having more expenses than income. If anyone would like to give to specifically help pay for the sewer line that would be appreciated. Megan B will also be reinstated on the payroll since Chamber Choirs are returning to service. Thank you all for your continued giving!
General Updates:
We are still reaching out to more contacts to look for good options to donate the remaining pre-
school items.
The Tongan church has returned to using our church for worship.
We are still working on getting the camera/computer/livestreaming software all to communicate.
Thank you for your patience with us using our cell phones during this time.
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